Before Filing your personal Income Tax (PIT) please have the following ready:
- Valid TAMIS Tax Identification Number
- Your TAMIS username & password
- Your child/childrenʼs ID number
- Earned over $25,000 for the year you are filing
- Valid TAMIS TIN for spouse
Once you have what you need to file, follow the steps below or watch the video:
- Visit
- Log in with your username eg. janedoe1 & password eg. tamis$19
- Click “Returns” then “Add return”. For “Tax type” choose “Personal Income Tax” and choose the income year you are filing. Eg. “2018” for a return being filed in 2019
- Click “Create return” and then click “Start”
- Select your Occupation, Marital Status, enter spouseʼs TIN (if applicable) and answer all relevant questions
- Ensure the pre-filled figures for your Income from Employment & Pension are correct. If they are not, please cancel return and informyour employer &/or NIS
- Enter any income received from Investment & Miscellaneous sources (in & outside Barbados) and ensure figures for Special Deductions (charity donations) are correct
- On the Income From Trade, Business & Non-Residential Property page, include all self-employment income you received
- Only click “Yes” if claiming for your renewable energy system on the Energy Audits page. If not, click “No”
- Declare any Income From Agriculture & Fisheries & complete next page if you operate an Approved Cultural Project
- On Personal Allowances & Deductions page, click pencil icon & “Add new row” to enter your childrenʼs ID number/s. In Deductions section, include NIS paid for domestic, gardener, etc and confirm subscription to Trade Union, etc. If age 40 or over, can also claim medical expenses
- On next page include Income From Residential Rent
- On next page, see breakdown of your Income Tax Calculation & your estimated refund or tax payable due. If to receive a refund, click “Yes” to Direct deposit, choose bank, branch & enter bank account number
- On the Supporting documents page click “Next” & then review your return summary to verify info is correct. Tick the Declaration box and click “Submit”
- Confirmation page shows your tax refund or tax payable amount for the income year you filed. To pay tax, click “Pay now” & follow prompts to create Electronic Payment Advice before making payment