Join Our Growing Membership
There is immense value in becoming a HRMAB member. Network to cultivate professional alliances, upskill and eLearn to update and improve your credentials, while actively redefining what human resources management can be in the Caribbean.
This focus of HRMAB will be to provide programmes, service, education and networking fora that address the needs of individuals. HRMAB service area and programmes are described below:

Conferences, Workshops and Expo
The Annual Conference will be held each October, featuring experts and international leaders in Human Resource Management and Development. A workshop focusing on current issues and futuristic thinking will be offered.

Research and Publications
Provision of studies and surveys as well as access to latest research will be part of these services. HRMAB will also publish resource material including its in-house journal.

Professional, Networking and Benchmarking
Professional networking sessions will be hosted to allow practitioners, experts, academics, implementers to share and exchange information and experiences and offer HRMAB members the opportunity to benchmark with leading organisations.

Professional Awards and Peer Recognition
Annual Professional Awards and peer recognition honours will be given to selected business organizations and individuals pursuing and achieving significant progress towards providing world-class products and services in Barbados.

Consulting and Training Opportunities
Consulting and training services will be made available to members’ organisations at discounted rates. These services will be provided by recognized members, consultants and trainers within HRMAB.
Members Should:
- Show faith in the worthiness of the HR profession by industrious application to the highest standards of practice and personal conduct.
- Seek success and personal growth in the field of Human Resource Management and development.
- Be loyal and committed to the Human Resource Management Association of Barbados
- (HRMAB) Inc. and true to ourselves in developing the Human Resource Management profession.
- Champion mutual respect in all relationships and encourage consistent, fair, equitable treatment of employees at all levels.
- Strive to make business profitable in monetary terms through service excellence and influencing the continuous education, training and development of the workforce.
- Uphold all laws, regulations and conventions relating to the employment relationship.
- Adhere to the highest standards of ethical and professional behaviour.
- Give unswerving loyalty in thought, word and actions to our obligations as citizens of Barbados.

Bank details are are follows:
Bank Name: Republic Bank
Bank Branch: Wildey, St. Michael
Bank ID: 0060005
Account Name: Human Resource Management Association of Barbados Inc.
Account Type: Business (Chequings)
Account Number: 058054102001