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Common Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Job Advertisements

Picture of Shanika Walcott

Shanika Walcott

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Job advertisements are usually the first look an individual has on an organization. They are often used to attract a desired talent pool. In an attempt to do so, there are several mistakes that can be made. In this post we will share six (6) major mistakes your company should avoid when writing your next job advertisement.

Regurgitating job description

When creating a job advertisement, a review of the job description for the role should be conducted. However, a common mistake seen is the regurgitation of the job description when formulating the job advertisement. A job description is an internal documentation of the varying jobs within the organisation and only important information should be extracted to stand out from other job descriptions and attract desired talent.

Overselling role

Yes, the goal of a job advertisement is to make the company sound appealing and a pleasing place to work as well as attracting candidates to fill this position. The aim is also to differentiate your job advertisement from others with similar requirement, nevertheless, a major mistake is overselling the role. To avoid this, you must be honest when writing the advertisement and avoid using cliches are these can deter individuals from applying.

Misleading job titles

Unfortunately, some companies change job titles when advertising which can be misleading. For example, advertising for a “Customer Service Manager” when the organisation is actually looking for a “Customer Service Representative”. This can run the risk of overqualified individuals applying for the job and can lead to high turnover.

Industry jargon or company specific

Although industry jargon and company specific jargon may seem important to the job position, one should avoid using these jargons when formulating the job advertisements. These can confuse candidates who are new to the industry, whether career change or new to the job market. If jargons are important in aiding the effectiveness of the job, they can be taught at a later date.

Not easy to read

Job advertisements should be easy to read. However, they can be difficult to read and unattractive if not properly worded or designed. For example, a wordy job advertisement or writing too much. This can confuse the reader if it is too longwinded or not clearly laid out for a reader. To avoid this, a template can be used to outline information which should be used in all future advertisements.

Negative phrases

Job advertisements are used to attract candidates; however, the use of particular language and phrases can give persons reasons as to why they should not apply. For example, “you must have a minimum of three years’ experience”, the organisation could choose more optimistic and encouraging phrases such as “ if this sounds like you.. apply today” or “having previous experience in position would be an asset”.

Attracting candidates is not always an easy tasks, however, to ease this process you should avoid the mistakes previously listed. After having done that, we have the interview prep but with the increasing trend of E-recruiting and the need to socially distance due to Covid-19, how do we navigate? Read our next blog to find out.

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