An invalidity benefit is paid to persons who are unable to work because of a specific disease or bodily or mental ailment which is likely to remain permanent while a Disablement benefit is paid to persons who have suffered the loss of physical or mental faculty as a result of injury or industrial disease which arose out of or in the course of employment.
The amount payable weekly as Invalidity benefit is limited to a maximum of 60% of average weekly insurable earnings whereas the amount of Disablement benefit is based on the percentage of disability as determined by a medical panel, and can be as much as 90% of average weekly earnings in cases of 100% of loss.
Invalidity benefit is payable as long as invalidity continues but not beyond pensionable age when an Old Age Contributory pension is payable.
The period during which a Disablement benefit is payable is determined by the medical panel and the recipient can resume employment during this period.