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I am an unemployed woman; can I still qualify for a maternity benefit?

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  • I am an unemployed woman; can I still qualify for a maternity benefit?

A: It is possible to be unemployed and still qualify for a maternity benefit provided that:-

  1. you have been insured for at least 26 contribution weeks; and
  2. you must have paid at least 16 contributions in the two contribution quarters but one before the contribution quarter in which the benefit would become payable. For example, suppose you became unemployed on 1st October 2003 and qualified for unemployment benefit and your maternity benefit became payable in the first quarter (January to March) 2004. The quarters used by the National Insurance Office to determine whether or not you are eligible will be the 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2003, i.e. April to June and July to September. Please note, however, that once you qualify, you will receive only the maternity benefit since this will be at a higher rate (100% of average weekly insurable earnings). In other words, you will not receive two benefits.


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Resource Details

National Insurance Scheme (NIS)
Last Modified
May 15, 2024

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