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The Association


Bimploy is the official partner of HRMAB, providing digital employee-experiences .

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Get Started

The Association


Bimploy is the official partner of HRMAB, providing digital employee-experiences .

Sign Up for Our Newsletter

Keep up-to-date with the latest in everything employment-related in Barbados

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FREE Online Course

Sexual Harassment Prevention Act

We examine the intended purpose of Barbados' sexual harassment prevention act, define sexual harassment, outline the employer’s responsibilities and the employee’s rights, ensure clear understanding of the role of the chief labour officer, the employment’s rights tribunal and discuss penalties for non compliance.

Course content

The Purpose

Defining Sexual Harassment


The Employee's Rights

The Role of

The Chief Labour Officer

The Role of

The Employment Rights Tribunal




Sign up to get notified when the course becomes available

COMING SOON- ONLINE course exploring Barbados' latest labour legislation

Sexual Harassment Prevention Notify